“[…] what a beautiful feeling it is for us to know that there are still people who remember us with love.”
Lissy von Halle to Fritz Katz

The 40-year-old Lissy von Halle
was deported together with her mother Jenny by the Hamburg Gestapo and Reichsbahn to the Theresienstadt Ghetto. Little is known about her life and her family before their deportation in March 1943. Only Postcards that Lissy von Halle wrote to Hamburg from the Theresienstadt Ghetto have been preserved.
At least one postcard reached Hamburg. It was addressed to the Jewish community. In this postcard she asked for money and food to be sent because they were important for surviving in the ghetto. Before the postcard was sent, the SS deported Lissy von Halle to Auschwitz-Birkenau. She did not survive. Her mother Jenny was liberated in Theresienstadt.

Postcard transcription:
Lissy von Halle
Seestr. 121/18
Mr Fritz Katz
Dillstr. 15
My dear ones,
Firstly I want to thank you all personally for the wonderful package, what was in it will be very useful for me. It was lovely of you to think of us in such a touching way. You can’t even begin to imagine what a beautiful feeling it is for us to know that there are still people who remember us with love. I must inform you today, that as a result of the general postal restrictions we can now only write every 8 weeks, while you can send every 4 weeks either 1 letter or 1 postcard via the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Germany, Berlin. Packages are unaffected by the new regulations and reach us directly, as before. I and my mother are in good health G.s.D. [thank God] I wish you all the best, stay healthy. I also send warm greetings to all former colleagues who are still there. Perhaps Mr. Elias will see and speak to Mrs. Dschüs again soon. For today I send my best wishes.
Your Lissy von Halle
x Jenny von Halle
Theresienstadt, 14.9.1944
*For the benefit of readability, amendments were made in transcription
Further research options:
TikTok video: Lissy von Halle´s postcard
Research tool: https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/de/search/person