
Hannoverscher Bahnhof

Panels of names and historical train tracks at the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Memorial, 2020

From 1940 to 1945, the Hannoverscher Bahnhof

was a central departure point for deportations to ghettos, concentration camps and extermination camps in German-occupied Eastern Europe. The grounds of this former railway station are now part of the Lohsepark. There is a commemorative site here dedicated to the Jews, Sinti and and Roma who were deported from Hamburg. An explanatory exhibition is displayed in the Info Pavilion. The Foundation of Hamburg Memorials and Learning Centres is currently developing the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Memorial Documentation Centre which will be located nearby.


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End-of-year newsletter

End-of-year newsletter to the survivors of Neuengamme concentration camp, relatives of victims of Nazi persecution and friends of our memorial work.

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An elderly woman and a man stand in front of a row of name plaques. The man has his arm around the older woman's shoulders. Behind the name plaques are railway tracks.

Visit by Julia Maria Hochfeld Baker at the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Commemorative Site

On October 29, 2024, Julia Maria Hochfeld Baker and her grandson Israel Hochfeld Baker Monteiro from Brazil visited the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Commemorative Site. Sabine Brunotte from the Stumbling…

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[Translate to English:] Collage aus verschiedenen Fotos

“Without Any Hope of Return.” Deportation Gathering Points in Hamburg

A photo installation in the "Fuge" at denk.mal Hannoverscher Bahnhof, 27 April–31 October 2024

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links ein historisches Foto in schwarz-weiß mit Gebäuden und Straßen, links ein Park mit einem Mahnmal, Häuser im Hintergrund

‘Without Any Hope of Return’. Deportation gathering points in Hamburg

A photography installation in the Fuge at the denk.mal Hannoverscher Bahnhof memorial site, 27 April to 4 August 2024

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End-of-year newsletter 2023/2024

End-of-year newsletter to survivors, relatives of victims of Nazi persecution, and friends of our memorial work.

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Events (in german)

  • Sunday, February 16, 2025
  • 14:00–16:00
  • Rundgang

denk.mal Hannoverscher Bahnhof, Lohseplatz, 20457 Hamburg

„Ich konnte nicht daran denken, dass ich sie vielleicht niemals wiedersehen werde“

Erzwungene Emigration aus Hamburg während der NS-Zeit. Der Gedenkort „denk.mal Hannoverscher Bahnhof“ erinnert an die über 8.000 Jüdinnen und Juden sowie Sinti*ze und Rom*nja, die während der Zeit… More information

  • Sunday, March 9, 2025
  • 14:00–16:00
  • Rundgang

denk.mal Hannoverscher Bahnhof, Lohseplatz, 20457 Hamburg

Deportationen von Hamburger Jüdinnen und Juden nach Theresienstadt

Vor 80 Jahren, am 14. Februar 1945, fand die letzte Deportation aus Hamburg in das Ghetto Theresienstadt statt. In insgesamt elf Deportationen wurden über 2500 Menschen aus Hamburg in das Ghetto… More information

Events calendar
Facade of the former "Hannoverscher Bahnhof"

The Hannoverscher Bahnhof began operating in 1872.

It was one of several passenger stations in Hamburg at the time. After Hamburg’s central station opened in 1906, the Hannoverscher Bahnhof was primarily used as a freight station and became an important transhipment point for goods.

The National Socialists turned the Hannoverscher Bahnhof into a crime scene. Twenty deportation trains were dispatched from the station between 1940 and 1945. These transports carried more than 8,000 Jews, Sinti and Roma from Hamburg and northern Germany to the Belzec forced labour camp, the Litzmannstadt/Lodz, Minsk, Riga and Theresienstadt ghettos, and the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp. Very few of the deportees survived.

The deportations took place in full view of the public. State and local authorities alike were involved in organizing them. Companies profited from ‘Aryanization’ and forced labour, while individuals enriched themselves with property stolen from the deportees. The Hannoverscher Bahnhof was a deportation hub linking local and regional assembly points to the camps in the East.

The Hannoverscher Bahnhof was also occasionally used for prisoner transports under the National Socialists, and forced labourers were to put to work there as well. Soldiers assigned to Penal Battalion 999 (‘Bewährungsbataillon 999’) were additionally transported via the Hannoverscher Bahnhof. Some of the men in this battalion had been sentenced to prison for political resistance. From 1942 they were conscripted and sent on dangerous combat missions.

[Translate to English:] Entwurf eines viereckigen Hauses mit Fensterfront
Visualization of the future Documentation Centre at its new site on Stockmeyerstrasse

After 1945 the Hannoverscher Bahnhof

was largely forgotten in Hamburg. The station’s imposing portal was demolished in 1955, but the rail infrastructure continued to be used to transport goods. The station was decommissioned at the end of the 1990s.

As Hamburg began to develop its new HafenCity district, the former Hannoverscher Bahnhof also re-entered the public awareness. In the early 2000s, associations of former victims of persecution and other initiatives began campaigning for a commemorative site worthy of the memory of the deportees.

In 2017, the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Commemorative Site opened in the newly created Lohsepark. It commemorates the Jews, Sinti and Roma who were deported from northern Germany. Their names are listed on twenty panels at the site of what was formerly railway platform 2.

In 2025, the Fruchtschuppen C Memorial will be inaugurated in the nearby Überseequartier (Overseas Quarter), a new city district to the south. This memorial will commemorate the some 1,000 Sinti and Roma who were held for days in the former warehouse in May 1940 before being deported to German-occupied Poland for forced labour.

The Hannoverscher Bahnhof Memorial Documentation Centre will open at the northern end of the Lohsepark in 2027. It will feature a permanent exhibition which explains the historical context behind the deportations carried out by the National Socialists. The exhibition will look at the victims as well as perpetrators, bystanders and profiteers, and it will explore the lasting impact of this persecution to the present day. The building will also have space for educational programmes, conferences and other events.

The Info Pavilion of the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Memorial in the Lohsepark currently features an exhibition covering the deportations, the history of the site and the development of the memorial in the HafenCity district. The Info Pavilion will be replaced by the Documentation Centre when it opens in 2027.

[Translate to English:] Container mit einer Rollstuhlrampe davor, beklebt mit dem Schrift und einem historischen Bild des Hannoverschen Bahnhofs, im Hintergrund Bäume, im Vordergrund ein Platz und Sitzgelegenheiten
Info Pavilion at Lohseplatz, 2023

The Hannoverscher Bahnhof Commemorative Site is publicly accessible at all times.

Info Pavilion in the Lohsepark

Address: Lohseplatz, 20457 Hamburg, Germany

Opening hours: April to October, daily from 12 to 6 p.m. and upon request


Public guided tours

Between April and October, we offer a German-language tour of the Memorial every fourth Wednesday of the month at 6.00 p.m. The tours are organised in cooperation with HafenCity GmbH. No prior registration required. The tours are free of charge. 

Educational programme

You can find out about our regular educational programme for groups through the Museumsdienst Hamburg:

If you are interested in particular subjects, foreign-language programmes or specific learning formats, please contact Juliane Podlaha: 040-428 131 566,

All parts of the memorial are wheelchair-accessible. Paving stones cover the ground on Lohseplatz and the commemorative site. An accessible toilet is located on the western side of the Lohsepark, roughly in line with Kobestrasse.



The project team for the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Memorial Documentation Centre is based at the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial (Jean-Dolidier-Weg 75, 21039 Hamburg). The team members can be reached at the following numbers and addresses:

Prof. Dr Oliver von Wrochem (Director)

+49 40 428 131-511;

Oliver Schael (Project Coordinator)

+49 40 428131-558

Karin Heddinga (Research Associate)

+49 40 428 131-564

Juliane Podlaha (Education and Events)

+49 40 428 131-566;

Johanna Schmied (Curator Permanent Exhibition)

+49 40 428 131-560;

Dr Kristina Vagt (Curator Permanent Exhibition)

+49 40 428 131-563;


Gepflasterter Weg mit Steinwänden an beiden Seiten, auf eine er der Wände sind Plakate angebracht, davor steht ein Gruppe Menschen, im Hintergrund Häuser
Temporary installation: ‘“…without any hope of return”: Deportation assembly points in Hamburg’ at the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Commemorative Site, 2024

Until the Documentation Centre opens, the project team will continue to develop temporary exhibitions in the Lohsepark which present content from the future permanent exhibition.

The photo installation ‘“…without any hope of return’: Deportation assembly points in Hamburg’, on display from 27 April to 31 October 2024, features large-format photos of former deportation assembly points in the Hamburg metropolitan area.

brochure  blog post

The two-part installation WHY HERE? History and commemoration in the Lohsepark’ was displayed from 22 April to 15 July 2023 and provided an overview of the history of the site.

blog post

The photo installation Deported into the unknown’ focused on the destinations of the deportations from the Hannoverscher Bahnhof. Six photos showing present-day sites in Poland, Latvia, Belarus and Czechia were displayed from 24 August to October 2022.

blog post (in german)


(Last) Signs of Life

Some deportees were allowed to send and receive mail when they arrived at their destination. This was the only opportunity for contact between the victims of National Socialist persecution in the ghettos and concentration camps and their friends and relatives back in northern Germany.

While conducting research in regional and international archives for the exhibition at the future Hannoverscher Bahnhof Memorial Documentation Centre, the project team (re-)discovered collections of postcards sent by deportees from Hamburg. Some of these postcards and the stories behind them were featured in a temporary exhibition displayed from July to October 2022 in the Lohsepark.

The postcards presented here from the ghettos and camps provide an insight into the emotional world of the deportees: their hopes, fears, homesickness and longing for friends and family.

Survivors and descendants at the ‘Hannoverscher Bahnhof Memorial’

At the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Commemorative Site, twenty panels of names commemorate the more than 8,000 Jews, Sinti and Roma from Hamburg and northern Germany who were deported from the station between 1940 and 1945. Behind each name there is a story. The persecution and deportations under the National Socialists continue to impact family histories and people’s lives to this day.

The ‘Not just a memorial’ photo project at the commemorative site focuses on one former victim of National Socialist persecution and seven descendants of deportees. Personal quotes from the featured individuals reveal what the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Memorial means to them.

The photos and quotes were displayed as a temporary installation at the Hannoverscher Bahnhof Commemorative Site from 1 September to 31 October 2023.

We are very grateful to the individuals pictured here for participating in the project and being willing to tell their stories.